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1475 W CENTER STREET, #100


PHONE: (385)7991336

An adult, mother, father and child hold a red heart in their hands. Concept for charity, h

Our mission is to show love and support for those seeking comfort and refuge in our local communities from violence and conflict.

"And He commanded them that they should look forward with one eye,
having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another."

Hearts Knit Together is a non-profit organization that delivers much needed personal items to those escaping domestic violence, sexual abuse, or war. Our volunteers collect, craft, and assemble these kits which include hygiene items, toys, games, puzzles, clothing and stuffed animals for the children. These kits are distributed through Domestic Violence Shelters, victim support centers, and refugee organizations, to children and adults across the state of Utah. Our mission is to offer joy and order in the lives of those in our community who need it the most.

Sewing Equipments

Our mission is to show love and support for those seeking comfort and refuge in our local communities from violence and conflict.
Our organization is staffed entirely by volunteers who turn donations into generous care packages of necessary supplies and thoughtful gifts that are delivered to women, children, and men entering each of Utah’s 16 domestic violence shelters, to foreign refugees being resettled in our communities, and to first responders for delivery to victims in crisis.

To the extent our resources permit after serving local community needs, we may also contribute supplies to organizations which are approved by our Board of Directors and who are dedicated to serving victims of abuse, violence, or other destabilizing life events in other communities. 

We feel that every individual deserves respect, love, and peace in their lives, regardless of the traumatic events from which they seek refuge. Our goal is to ensure that each person who receives one of our care packages feels the
divine gifts of love, hope, and peace which knit all of our hearts together as children of God, regardless of personal differences in circumstances.

To that end, we create kits, that provide these families in crisis with not just the basic necessities of hygiene, but with many extras that will give some abundance and order when they have nothing.

Our staff is 100% volunteers and every kit is lovingly constructed with a color or character theme inspired by either themed book, doll, stuffed animal or action figure.

"To a beautiful soul, We have traveled far to get here and me and my daughter were a little scared and didn't know what to expect. When we went into our room and I saw the welcome bags for me and my daughter and the love that was put into them, tears began to fall.  Thank you so much for your service. I am a victim of domestic violence, but I will be a conqueror of it. If that makes sense. I want to thank all who made us feel welcome. It truly made us happy." 
God bless you, Faith & Elianna
"Dear Angels, I wanted to let you wonderful ladies know how thankful my son and I are for the giant gift bags you've put together for the Peace House.
My son and I came here last week. I couldn't believe it when I walked into our room and saw those gifts on the beds. It's a moment I won't soon forget and will always be grateful for. So unexpected, so welcoming, and so thoughtful! I wish I could convey in words just how your generosity has impacted me.
My son was also touched (just turned 14 three weeks ago). I was going through the intake process, he was in our room very carefully going through each bag and laying out each item on the beds. The baseball fleece blanket was immediately spread across his bed. I really love the cream colored scarf, hat, and slippers. So soft and delicate, I just like the extravagance of them.
Ladies, please know that your efforts and gifts are very much appreciated, as well as the time you put into creating them. They really do have quite the impact, please know that and take it to heart."
A big thank you! Mother, Survivor, Veteran
 "My name is Lori and I wanted to thank you for the precious gift of love created so caringly by your hands. I was already overwhelmed at receiving a gift package, but immensely touched by the hat and scarf. Thank you for exuding the time, energy and love to create such precious gifts, and your generosity of unconditional love."
"Being able to give our residents a Hearts Knit Together kit that is so beautiful and detailed makes them feel valued. It is obvious to them that a lot of time and love went into making the kits. So many of our shelter residents express appreciation and become very emotional that someone thought of making them feel special and welcome. The children’s kits are so fun and encourage the children to play and help ease the transition of leaving home to come to a new place. We are so grateful for the beautiful and heartfelt donations of welcome kits. Thank You!
- CAPSA Logan, UT
"I cannot begin to express my gratitude and love towards Linda and her ministry. She continues to bless me personally with her sacrificial love and so many of the former polygamists we serve. I am humbled to know you Linda!!!"
- Tonia Tewell, Holding Out Help
"This note is for the dear sisters who gave their special “welcome” kit to me. I am so very grateful. I started crying over your beautiful card. The scarf and hat mean so much to me. Your time and love in this is such an inspiration for me to do the same as soon as I am able.  I’ve crocheted since I was in 4-H at age 11. I am now 47. This was the most beautiful work I’ve seen. I love it and the generous donation of toiletries and items I desperately needed. God bless you for the love and kindness in your hearts. I’ll treasure your note forever. You made me so happy and I love you for this."
- Katie
"When my husband picked up the kits yesterday for our refugee children, he was amazed and called me immediately to let me know how beautiful they are and what a blessing you are in so many, many lives. I want to share an experience of delivering the kits to a single father from the Congo who didn’t have anything for his children for Christmas this year. He is struggling with employment as they cut his hours from full time to part time. When we called him to come out and help us carry up the gifts he broke down and wept on my husband’s shoulder. He kept saying, 'These are so beautiful, thank you, thank you, thank you!' He has his children for Christmas this year and now because of your kindness he can stand a little taller and share these beautiful gifts with his daughter, Sadi (14), Joseph (12) and little Chloe (3) who loves Elmo—how did you know that? :)

"Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your time, efforts and talents in blessing the lives of these people. As the father said, 'Angels do exist and please thank these beautiful angels for me!'"
- Laura
"Linda & Crew: Thank you so much for the welcome kits. It was fun to see how they are made and how much love goes into making each one. They are so appreciated. Thanks again."
   - Madonna & Staff the Dove Center, St. George, Utah
"We were so excited when we opened our new facilities and we put the packets on their beds. Everything was new and exciting. What I wasn’t prepared for was the reaction of the women and children when they came into the rooms. They ran to the kits add hugged them, several of the mother’s began to cry and thanked us. I told them they were not from us. There was a little hispanic mom with several children. They had been terribly abused and the children were afraid to even speak. After being in the shelter for 6 months they were ready to go out on their own. I came down the hall and this little boy had his little blanket around his neck, and his toys. He said, “I love you and thank you for my toys.” Thank you for empowering the mothers and their children with dignity. We hope when these families leave the shelter they can say: We walk not in the borrowed light of others but face the morning unafraid and invincible."
            -Kathleen Losser, Director Children Services, YWCA
"Dear Hearts Knit Together Ladies, Our humble thanks for the most beautiful care packets we’ve ever seen! Your love, care, wonderful spirits and amazing handiwork touch all of us. God bless you for your thoughtfulness.
- Vernal Women’s Crisis Center
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